동시성 패턴: Fail-fast와 Single Flight 패턴 비교

#IT 이모저모
Written by Theo2025년 1월 31일 · 4 min read

시리즈의 글 (2개)

  1. 코틀린의 null 값에 대한 고찰
  2. 동시성 패턴: Fail-fast와 Single Flight 패턴 비교


원문 상황


  • OP가 설명한 상황: 동일 메소드에 대한 여러 비동기 요청이 있을때, 이미 다른 비동기 요청에 의해 처리중이라면, 다시 내부 로직을 수행하지 않고 다른 요청의 처리 결과를 기다렸다가 사용하고 싶음.
  • 예시: 한번 호출 할 때 마다 비용이 발생하는 외부 API를 호출하는데, 같은 식별자(key)로 여러 요청이 들어오면 기존 요청의 처리 결과를 기다렸다가 사용

제안된 해결 방식들

concurrency patterns

1. Structured Concurrency 활용

  • coroutineScope 사용: all-or-nothing 방식으로 동작.
    • 하나의 자식 코루틴이 실패하면 모든 자식 코루틴을 즉시 취소함.
    • 실패를 상위로 전파하며, 트랜잭션과 같은 원자적 작업에 적합함.
  • supervisorScope와는 차이점이 있음: 각 자식 코루틴이 독립적으로 동작함.
    • 실패를 격리시키고 부분적 실패를 허용함.
    • 독립적인 작업들을 실행할 때 적합함.

2. Single Flight 패턴

  • 동일한 작업이 동시에 요청될 때 중복 실행을 방지
  • 첫 번째 요청만 실제로 실행하고 나머지는 그 결과를 공유
  • 실제 사용 사례:
    • 캐시가 없을 때 여러 요청이 동시에 들어오는 상황
    • API 호출 중복 방지
    • 리소스 낭비 방지
  • Reference: Golang의 singleflight


This discussion covers two important concurrency patterns in Programming(e.g. Kotlin):

  1. The fail-fast pattern using coroutineScope, which cancels all operations when one fails
  2. The Single Flight pattern, which deduplicates concurrent requests for the same operation

While they serve different purposes:

  • Fail-fast focuses on error propagation and maintaining consistency
  • Single Flight optimizes resource usage by preventing duplicate operations

Both patterns are valuable tools in building robust concurrent systems with Kotlin.

Real-world use cases

Interview with a Server Engineer Working on Live Streaming Applications.

Here's how they optimized their microservices architecture:

Single-flight Implementation at Aggregator Level

They implemented a single-flight pattern at the aggregator level where requests expecting the same result share one response using the same key. This means:

  1. When the aggregator receives requests, it groups identical requests using single-flight
  2. Only one actual request is made to downstream services for each group
  3. The same response is shared across all grouped requests.

Performance Benefits

This implementation resulted in significant performance improvements:

  1. Reduced load on downstream services
  2. Improved aggregator performance by:
    • Eliminating redundant kernel-level I/O operations
    • Reducing memory copy operations

Additional Optimization with Rueidis

They further optimized the system using Rueidis, which provides server-assisted client-side caching in Go.

Current Architecture

Their architecture flows as follows:

AWS CloudFront -> Aggregator -> Service

Multiple Layers of Optimization

The system benefits from multiple optimization layers.

  1. First single-flight filter at CloudFront
  2. Second single flight filter at Aggregator
  3. Client-side caching reducing service requests

Redis Load Reduction

This multi-layered approach significantly reduces Redis load:

  1. Traditional flow: Aggregator -> Service -> Redis
  2. Redis, being single-threaded, benefits significantly from reduced read operations
  3. Client-side caching further reduces the need for Redis reads

The combination of single-flight at both CloudFront and Aggregator levels, plus client-side caching, has resulted in a substantial reduction in service requests and overall Redis load, creating a more efficient and performant system.

Important Consideration for Single-flight

They noted a critical consideration when implementing single-flight, particularly in Go:

  • If single-flight instances aren't separated by routes, the locking mechanism (which occurs for every request) can become a bottleneck. This is a characteristic specific to Go's implementation of single-flight, and the behavior might differ in other programming languages.
  • The combination of single-flight at both CloudFront and Aggregator levels, plus client-side caching, has resulted in a substantial reduction in service requests and overall Redis load, creating a more efficient and performant system.

My Thoughts

As a backend engineering, I find this discussion particularly relevant since it addresses a common business scenario we often encounter. When multiple clients requests the same resource simultaneously (e.g. fetching user profiles or processing payment transactions), we need to carefully handle these concurrent requests to optimize system resources and maintain data consistency.

What fascinates me is how Golang has built-in support for this pattern through their singleflight package. It shows that this concurrency pattern is so commonly needed that they decided to provide it at the language ecosystem level. This makes me wonder why other languages haven't adopted similar built-in solutions.

In my experience with Kotlin and Spring Boot, we often have to implement this pattern ourselves or rely on caching mechanisms. While these solutions work, having a standardized approach like Go's would be beneficial for consistency across different projects and team.

While this pattern might not be 100% applicable in distributed environments with multiple instances, having it as part of the ecosystem provides valuable insights into solving concurrency challenges. Without exploring Go or studying various concurrency patterns, I might never have discovered this elegant approach to handling duplicate requests.

Have you encountered similar concurrency challenges in your project? How did you handle them?